Cambodia, My Love
Little kids running around me and pulling on me would typically send me into a panic, but these little ones took my breath away. I kneeled down and talked with them, played with them and just embraced them. I've always said I do not want kids, honestly little people scare me. I may be getting older or it may be the fact that one of my best friends has two beautiful boys that warm my heart everytime I see their photo. It could also be that as this same friend says my biological clock is ticking loud and attracting the kids, whatever the reason I wanted to spend all day with the kids. I continued walking through the village and running into children playing and just living life.
Perspective. Interacting with the community changed my life. I've always been low maintenance and reflective, but God truly used the villagers to show me my heart. I can't explain the feeling of communicating with a child with solely a smile. It is so calming. A kindred moment was found in this moment. I have never had to fight back tears leaving anywhere, but I truly didn't want to leave Cambodia. I added two extra days to my trip and I am considering going back again.
So while I visited Angkor Wat, the Tomb Raider Temple and Pub Street this photo series is dedicated to the little people of Kompong Phluk who truly changed my life.