Joanna Brailey

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Sometimes You have to Walk Away

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Walk Away

There are several occasions when you will need to leave your employer, college, friends a bad relationship and the like. However, walking away doesn't need to be something that you fear. In fact not walking away in a timely manner can cause more damage. I know you can't believe that someone is telling you to decline employment or quit and yet here I am telling you to do, just that.

As a young person you have a unique advantage and you will NEVER have this opportunity in life AGAIN. You are essentially free as it relates to bills and responsibilities, of course there are some special circumstances but this reigns true for most. In order to learn the art of walking away seamlessly while maintaining a good relationship with the organization and person, follow these guidelines:

  • If you are resigning write a two weeks notice thanking them for the time and experience. No matter what you gained valuable experience and this should be relayed to your manager and employer.
  • NEVER speak ill of your superior in private or public. This one will be harder than it sounds, but you can do it. This is important because a flock of the air will hear and tell the King. Yes, I just paraphrased scripture, and it is true. Remember what I said about maintaining relationships, this is key. 
  • If this is an interview ask questions that will reveal more of the person's personality such as how long have you been with the company, what frustrates you most about working here? What is your least favorite part of your job? What is your leadership style? These will help determine if its a bad day or a bad situation overall. Of course this isn't foolproof, but it will help. 
  • Before walking away make sure you have listed the pros and cons and you understand what is at stake. 
  • Self-reflect and don't beat yourself up! This isn't the only job nor is it the only opportunity that you will ever have.
  • Self-reflect, No, I'm not old and senile and wrote the same thing twice. Remember what your goals are and reflect on how this role is helping you achieve this goal.
  • Don't let anyone "run" you from your job. Learn the laws and policy and regulations that govern your workplace. Across the board you must be in a hostile free workplace so if a coworker or manager is making your life miserable inform Human Resources and keep a paper trail. 
  • In everything remember to go forth and prosper. 

What I hope that you walk away with after reading this post is that you have rights, don't settle, take personal responsibility and last but not least this is the best time and definitely not the last time to flex your "Happy Muscle".