Joanna Brailey

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Flower Power

A visit to the Wuhan Garden Expo in Hankou is the perfect way to spend a Saturday. To kick off my three day holiday I made the trek to Hankou with mis amigos. The expo is comprised of a variety of gardens from various provinces throughout China. Hubei, being the host province showcases five cities' gardens. While at times you may feel as though you could have skipped a garden because well... there are very little flowers or the garden itself just falls flat, there is always a small surprise hidden in the garden. Take for example Harbin, famous for the Ice Festival, there really aren't any flowers to be seen, but there is an air conditioned blue (green) house that you can chill in for a bit to escape the 30 degrees celcius weather outside. 

If you have an opportunity to visit before it ends I suggest taking a gander, but if you must pay full price, I advise you skip the expo. The flowers in the main attraction "Floral arrangement" are dying and it does not appear that they will be changed out for fresher flowers. One exhibit that held what appeared to be an orange tree held rotten and moldy fruit. Horticulture nor Botany are my expertise but I'm pretty sure that is not what the artist was going for when he/she created the display.

If you decide to visit be sure to take water, snacks, wear walking shoes and cotton clothing. Be mindful that the shuttle ticket area is located about a five minute walk from the Flower museum. If you are leaving the museum and heading towards the main road turn right and walk straight. You can't miss it. You probably won't be able to see the entire expo, but I'm sure you will have a grand time! 

Below you will find some photos of fresh flowers.